Save CV to External Path

This feature is used to save the resumes on external path like computer hard disk. To save the resume on computer, follow the below steps.

à Go to Candidate List, select the any one resume that you want to save on external path then right click and
      select the Save Resume as option, as shown figure 1.


                                                                                                                Fig: 1

àClick on the Browse option and select the path where you want to save the resume and select which CV you want to save i.e. Customer Resume or
     Original Resume. Select the format of resume you want to save then click on  option as shown in figure 2.

àIf you check the  option, the saved resume status will be updated as CV Sent for the
     respective requirement to which that resume is attached.


                                                                           Fig: 2

àClick on Ok option as shown in figure 3.


                                                                         Fig: 3

àNow the resume will be saved to the path you given, as shown in figure 4.


                                                                                                                       Fig: 4